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A member registered Feb 02, 2021

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AMAZING GAME! Honestly had so much fun playing and editing this video on it.

This game has some of the best AI ive seen all year

I love the attention the backrooms is getting lately. and YOU did it justice with this scary ass game. good job man

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i have NEVER screamed this loud for that long. great job.

The atmosphere for this game is on another level..

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MY MAN. YOU NEED TO GO BIG FOR THIS GAME. I cannot express that enough. The laughs and scares you will have in this video are insane..

Really good game bro. Nice Job, Jason!

Legit one of the scariest games I've played in a while. Cant wait to see what the full game has to offer.

Honestly, this game legit had me screaming.. Check out this video filled with funny moments!

Absolutely terrifying game. That's all that needs to be said. Great job

ONE OF THE BEST INDIE HORROR GAMES IVE PLAYED THIS YEAR. Really good job man. Filled with suspense and just plain horror.

dawg this was prolly one of the weirdest/scariest games ive ever played. IT DID GET ME THOUGH.

Jonny you done outdid yourself with this one, man. Excellent work

WHY IS THIS GAME KINDA FIRE THO. This was surprisingly well made. good job man

REALLY fun game. The whole aspect of shooting and fighting back is something rare in horror games. Good job, man.

I'm looking forward to this game. The hype is so real

Love the new update!

You are a demon for making this game, Puppet combo. Hats off to you. 

I love this game. That's it..

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Scariest game ive ever played. Great work!